““Becoming an Eagle Scout is an outstanding achievement that reflects your hard work and dedication. Your accomplishment serves as an example of excellence and a source of pride for your community.” ”
890 Eagle Scouts
We are so proud of each one of our Eagles. This is a long and distinguished list, so take your time in scrolling down it. We have noted with ⚜ each Eagle who was also SPL. We have noted with ⚜⚜ the few Eagles who also became Dads of Eagles — very special!
No. Name Date
001 Bill Abitz 07/29/63
002 David Ellis 09/23/63
003 Bobby Baines 05/04/64
004 Glenn Cook 10/11/64
005 Clarke Hammond ⚜ 08/27/65
006 Rick Lewis⚜ 02/08/67
007 Noble Burdine⚜(3X SPL) 11/29/67
008 Robert Grinsfelder 04/30/68
009 Doug Fletcher 09/16/68
010 Bob George 11/25/68
011 Lamar Seale 12/04/68
012 Gary Hammond⚜ 12/29/68
013 Michael Cox 03/02/69
014 Mark Lewis 06/09/69
015 Greg Gleim⚜ 06/25/69
016 Alan Bruce⚜ 07/31/69
017 Bob Hawthorne 11/09/69
018 John Myers 11/09/69
019 Cam Witt 12/14/69
[19 Eagles from the 1960s]
020 David Waldrup 04/05/70
021 Mark Kunnemann 06/02/70
022 Eric Dose⚜ 07/16/70
023 Alfred Newman 08/18/70
024 Mike Kaesler⚜ 09/14/70
025 Mark Smith⚜ 01/04/71
026 Dirk Huizenga 01/14/71
027 Jim Young 01/16/71
028 Andy Anderton 03/10/71
029 Ned Bothe 07/14/71
030 Neil Hopkins 07/22/71
031 George Gimarc 10/12/71
032 Keith Seale 11/15/71
033 Dwight Fletcher ⚜ ⚜⚜ 01/20/72
034 Randy Witt 05/24/72
035 Phillip Landtiser 07/22/72
036 Bryan McCord 09/20/72
037 Rick Anderton 11/14/72
038 Robert Ellis 11/20/72
039 Tracy Cox⚜⚜ 01/12/73
040 Greg Goebel⚜ 02/14/73
041 William Drummond 06/14/73
042 David Townsend⚜ 07/25/73
043 Randy Wohlford 09/08/73
044 Brett Hammers 09/13/73
045 Ralph Green 09/13/73
046 Jon Alspaw⚜⚜ 10/29/73
047 Cliff Waller ⚜ 12/18/73
048 Richard Ellis 12/18/73
049 Mitchell McCabe 01/02/74
050 John Mays 01/17/74
051 James Horton 01/23/74
052 Reed Jones 01/23/74
053 Phillip Bush 01/23/74
054 Alan Hatcher 09/25/74
055 Mike Eidson 10/30/74
056 Charles McClenny 11/13/74
057 Kyle McCord 01/13/75
058 Chip Holtz 01/14/75
059 Randy Fisher 01/14/75
060 Jimmy Hinkley 01/23/75
061 Rex Allen⚜ 02/24/75
062 Karl Kurz 03/26/75
063 Scott Holtz 09/18/75
064 Greg White 09/18/75
065 Brian Bearden 11/21/75
066 Gary Hatcher 12/17/75
067 Richard Nelson 03/04/76
068 Alan Wheeler 03/11/76
069 Bobby Hammers 08/03/76
070 Brett Chumbley ⚜ ⚜⚜ 08/03/76
071 Elliot Snuggs 08/10/76
072 Larry Townsend 08/31/76
073 Shawn Walls 11/21/76
074 Thomas Hill 05/25/77
075 Timothy Scheu 05/25/77
076 Trey Jordan⚜ 05/25/77
077 Stephen Cummins 05/25/77
078 Joel Alspaw⚜ 05/25/77
079 Greg Vandine 07/20/77
080 Brad Vanderburg 07/16/77
081 Kevin Cabaniss 09/06/77
082 Bill Hines 12/26/77
083 Philip O'Neal 03/05/78
084 Evan Herschberger 05/31/78
085 David Benchot 06/29/78
086 Tracy Harrison 07/20/78
087 Darrick Walls 07/20/78
088 Brett Williams 05/10/79
089 Todd O'Neal 09/24/79
[70 Eagles from the 1970s]
090 Gary Benedetto 03/10/80
091 Steve Vartanian 05/19/80
092 Neil Noble 09/02/80
093 Paul Vernon 09/02/80
094 Doug Dibble 02/23/81
095 Trey Potter 05/26/81
096 John Payton 05/26/81
097 Charles DeShazo 09/21/81
098 Zack Goff 09/21/81
099 Brad Dibble⚜ 09/21/81
100 Erich Watkins 12/14/81
101 George Milner III 01/14/82
102 Phillip Linder 01/14/82
103 Charles Briner 09/15/82
104 Darren Ward 09/15/82
105 Kenneth Willman⚜ 10/12/82
106 Raghu Ramachandran 03/01/83
107 Scott Gardner 03/01/83
108 Matthew Massengale 05/25/83
109 Matthew Hershfeld⚜ 07/19/84
110 Bradley Ormesher 07/19/84
111 Matthew Piper⚜ 09/05/84
112 Daniel Benchot 11/07/84
113 Brent Henderson⚜ 12/03/84
114 Gary Garonzik 05/13/85
115 Bryan Travis 05/13/85
116 Grant Milner III⚜⚜⚜ 10/07/85
117 David Lewis 01/14/86
118 Bill Sanderson 01/14/86
119 James Tunnell 02/12/86
120 Brent Glass 07/14/86
121 Milton Kuser 08/28/86
122 Gregory Richardson 08/28/86
123 Peter Chasey 10/02/86
124 Rick Johnston 10/16/86
125 Will Bryant 10/16/86
126 Randy Allen 10/16/86
127 John Brown 03/04/87
128 Gregory Pool 04/28/87
129 Scott Noel 07/08/87
130 George Chambers 07/08/87
131 Steve Tinsley 07/16/87
132 Jospeh Jeter 10/01/87
133 Marc Hoppers 10/01/87
134 Todd Spiva 12/10/87
135 Jeff Jacobs 01/14/88
136 Stephen Belcher 01/20/88
137 Corey Walls 01/20/88
138 Wayne Young 05/26/88
139 Stuart Ehrle 06/02/88
140 Brett Kaufman 07/14/88
141 Michael Hoegee 08/16/88
142 Robert Barner 10/04/88
143 Jason Coles 10/04/88
144 Matt McClearney 11/08/88
145 Matthew Coles 11/22/88
146 Michael Kemp 02/27/89
147 Charles Kemp 02/27/89
148 Brent Johnston 06/15/89
149 Clark Briner 01/15/89
[60 Eagles from the 1980s]
150 Scott Watkins 01/11/90
151 Jeff Dawson 05/05/90
152 Briggs Briner 05/05/90
153 Steven Robinson 06/11/90
154 Jason Pool 07/11/90
155 Andrew Densing 11/16/90
156 Neil Swoyer 12/14/90
157 Kelly Spiva 05/10/91
158 Darrell Sparks 07/17/91
159 Bradford Briner 07/24/91
160 Bryan Frank 01/22/92
161 Michael Burns 04/01/92
162 Wilson Goode 04/01/92
163 Price Tinsley 04/01/92
164 Chris Lau 05/01/92
165 Jay Monroe 05/01/92
166 Bennett Allen 12/02/92
167 Michael McCormick 12/02/92
168 Josh McFarlane 06/15/93
169 Gavin Worthy ⚜ 09/30/93
170 Swede Hanson 12/15/93
171 Matt Houser 01/27/94
172 Michael Schaarschmidt 01/27/94
173 John Ruth III 05/18/94
174 David Biddler 07/05/94
175 Jay Vanatta 08/11/94
176 Andrew Carruth 08/11/94
177 Jeff Squyres 08/16/94
178 Ryan Brown 08/16/94
179 David Murrell 08/16/94
180 Austin Davenport 08/16/94
181 Matthew Densing 08/18/94
182 Stephen Freshwater 08/18/94
183 Patrick O'Brien 08/24/94
184 Robert Janney 08/24/94
185 W. Thomas Crain, Jr. ⚜ 09/15/94
186 Gregg Case 10/18/95
187 Patrick Freshwater 11/15/95
188 Jay Henderson 11/15/95
189 John Kent 02/08/96
190 Benjamin McFarlane 02/08/96
191 Jason Estes 02/08/96
192 Eric Wilson 05/07/96
193 Paul Pettie 05/22/96
194 Eric Roach 05/30/96
195 Chris Coker 06/09/96
196 J.T. Aughinbaugh 06/24/96
197 Reed Murray 08/08/96
198 Travis Brown 10/13/96
199 Russell Buehrle 10/13/96
200 Andrew Luxen ⚜ 11/01/96
201 Brian Roach 11/17/96
202 Jeremy Kailer 11/17/96
203 Matthew McCormick 11/17/96
204 Travis Coker 01/26/97
205 Scott Booth 01/20/97
206 Peter Ruth 02/03/97
207 Eric Densing 06/01/97
208 Cory Elliot 06/01/97
209 Mark Allen 07/15/97
210 Brent Dixon 07/15/97
211 Stewart Harmon 07/15/97
212 Jack Cronan 08/14/97
213 Jason Wells 09/14/97
214 Scott Hill 09/24/97
215 John Dawson 11/13/97
216 Stephen Harris 11/13/97
217 Brad Matthiesen 02/08/98
218 Jeremy Pendery 02/08/98
219 Ryan Hendrix ⚜⚜ 02/11/98
220 Matthew Hughes 02/11/98
221 David Park 02/11/98
222 Peter Terilli 03/25/98
223 David Aughinbaugh 03/25/98
224 Jeff Jacobie 04/30/98
225 Greg Burns 04/30/98
226 Allan Burns 04/30/98
227 Thomas Gardner⚜ 07/14/98
228 John Runyon 07/14/98
229 Geoff Case 07/14/98
230 Doug Mayuex 09/15/98
231 Jonathan George 09/15/98
232 Kyle Martin 09/15/98
233 David Franke 11/05/98
234 Jack Allen 11/05/98
235 Jonathan Kelley 11/05/98
236 Brian Webster 11/25/98
237 Ryan Alexander 02/02/99
238 Paul Nauschutz 04/14/99
239 Christian Railsback 04/14/99
240 Jason Dellaney 05/19/99
241 Dustin Fenimore 05/26/99
242 Matt Hawkins 06/07/99
243 Travis Killen 07/13/99
244 Clayton Buehrle 07/13/99
245 Michael Harrell 10/13/99
246 Taylor Metzger 10/23/99
247 Chad Oakley 11/29/99
248 Jason Chaussee 12/13/99
[99 Eagles from the 1990s]
249 Paul Hendrix 01/20/00
251 Matt Booth 02/15/00
250 Blake Wyne 02/15/00
252 Scott Yeglic 02/15/00
253 Tyler Smith 02/15/00
254 Aaron Johnson 08/09/00
255 Charles Wilson IV 10/24/00
256 David Kent 10/24/00
257 Nathan Taylor 12/13/00
258 Matthew Terilli 03/06/01
259 Kyle Matthiesen 03/06/01
260 Michael Yarussi 03/06/01
261 Michael George 05/22/01
262 Alvin Lu 05/22/01
263 Gary Hominick 06/26/01
264 Brian Rabe⚜ 10/02/01
265 Ross McLendon 10/02/01
266 Daniel Coker 10/29/01
267 Richard Buferd 10/29/01
268 David Aycock 12/19/01
269 Justin Hughes 12/19/01
270 Mark Seale 12/19/01
271 Robert Smiley 03/05/02
272 Matthew Whitlock 03/05/02
273 Rhett Stall 03/05/02
274 James Rackler, III⚜ 04/30/02
275 Neil Bubel 04/30/02
276 Steve Cox ⚜ 05/29/02
277 Kevin Taylor 07/22/02
278 Kevin Renkes 09/25/02
279 William Janney 10/30/02
280 Taylor Gray 10/30/02
281 Byron Kelley 12/17/02
282 Tyler Oakley 12/17/02
283 Christopher Bryan 02/19/03
284 Spencer Adams 02/19/03
285 Joel Fletcher 04/23/03
286 Alex Jarrard 05/27/03
287 Mitchell George 05/27/03
288 Matthew Davis 07/07/03
289 Eric Johnson 07/07/03
290 Matthew Gelband 07/07/03
291 Collin Zrett 08/19/03
292 Ryan Johnson 08/19/03
293 Kyle Johnson 08/19/03
294 Alex Harrell 09/14/03
295 Matthew Behrens 09/15/03
296 Evan Holtzman 12/01/03
297 Ryan Koch 12/01/03
298 Jesse Elliot 01/04/04
299 Bryan Aycock 02/28/04
300 Royce Prude 02/28/04
301 Robbie Morris 02/28/04
302 Tommy McCrory 02/28/04
303 David Schuerman 02/28/04
304 Rod Hines 03/07/04
305 Tim Murray 04/30/04
306 John Howard 04/30/04
307 Brian Lu 04/30/04
308 Geoffrey Holland 04/30/04
309 Chris Jacobie 06/16/04
310 Blake Kinney 06/06/04
311 Nick Moore 06/16/04
312 Eric Lankford 07/16/04
313 Aaron Barger 12/20/04
314 Mark Aughinbaugh 11/08/04
315 Daniel Gelband 11/08/04
316 Blake Low 11/22/04
317 Philip Kent 11/22/04
318 Robert Kent 12/13/04
319 C.W. Ingram 02/28/05
320 Greg Coutant 02/28/05
321 Austin Alexander 06/28/05
322 Sam Stell 06/28/05
323 Bill Sessions 06/28/05
324 Peter Jarrard 08/08/05
325 Kevin Kopf 09/26/05
326 Brian Sloan 09/26/05
327 Oscar Kinchloe 09/26/05
328 Brian Felty 11/07/05
329 Adam Metzger 11/07/05
330 Timothy Harris 11/07/05
331 Evan Wakefield 01/16/06
332 James Brooks 01/16/06
333 Taylor Cox 01/30/06
334 Corey Slape 01/30/06
335 James Whitsitt 01/30/06
336 Corey Littlejohn 04/03/06
337 Dane Sorensen 04/03/06
338 Ben Wilson 05/01/06
339 Charles Shepherd 05/01/06
340 Taylor McCrory 05/01/06
341 Travis Bayer 05/30/06
342 John Tucker 09/11/06
343 Andrew Conwell 09/11/06
344 Scott Keffer 10/30/06
345 J.D. Davis 11/27/06
346 Andrew Brown 11/27/06
347 Ozro Davis, IV 11/27/06
348 John Merbler 01/15/07
349 Michael McPherson 01/15/07
350 Will Klindworth 02/05/07
351 Cameron Alspaw 02/05/07
352 Robbie Stewart 04/16/07
353 Justin Chumbley 04/16/07
354 Andrew Meaders 04/16/07
355 Scott Renkes 04/30/07
356 Cameron Gray 04/30/07
357 Ben Scheve 04/30/07
358 Richard Devero 05/07/07
359 Jared Taylor 05/07/07
360 Matthew Normandin 05/07/07
361 Chad Bruneman 05/21/07
362 Billy Prude 05/21/07
363 Gregory Mitchell 06/20/07
364 Connor Neale 06/20/07
365 Kevin Rabe 07/18/07
366 John Roberts 08/08/07
367 Mark Lankford 08/08/07
368 Daniel LeBlanc 08/08/07
369 Taylor Harmon 09/10/07
370 Austin Whitsitt 09/10/07
371 Tanner Miller 09/19/07
372 Daniel Matthiesen 09/10/07
373 Joshua Morgan 10/22/07
374 Spencer Waters 12/10/07
375 Reid Walter 12/10/07
376 Scott Puckett 12/17/07
377 Kyle Koch 12/17/07
378 Luke Lones 02/04/08
379 Michael Siskind 02/11/08
380 Nicholas Radoszewski 02/11/08
381 Blaine Coutant 02/18/08
382 Austin Roth 02/18/08
383 Colton Williams 03/20/08
384 Joseph Radoszewski 03/10/08
385 William O'Dwyer 04/14/08
386 Nathan Aldredge 04/14/08
387 Kurt Stadelmann 05/05/08
388 Scott Osborn 05/05/08
389 Austin Cordova 05/05/08
390 Michael Wooley 05/19/08
391 William Caldwell 05/19/08
392 Tim Walls 08/25/08
393 Andrew Overby 08/25/08
394 Charlie Alston 09/15/08
395 Christopher Hillman 10/27/08
396 Jack Holtzman 10/27/08
397 Wilson Gillespie 10/27/08
398 Clint Barnett 11/24/08
399 Christopher George 11/24/08
400 Elliot Bucki 12/08/08
401 David LaDriere 12/09/08
402 Kevin Klindworth 12/15/08
403 Dylan Bower 12/15/08
404 McGuire Boles 12/22/08
405 Pearson Smith 12/22/08
406 Matthew Winkler 12/22/08
407 Curran Kelly 02/02/09
408 Robert Liebendorfer 02/16/09
409 Brian Bruck 04/06/09
410 Brian Hornstein 04/19/09
411 Martin White 04/27/09
412 Matthew Huffman 04/27/09
413 Mark Roemisch 04/27/09
414 Timothy Davis 04/27/09
415 Richard Berry 08/11/09
416 Philip Page 08/11/09
417 Adam Bosch 11/30/09
[167 Eagles in the 2000s]
418 Drew Mills 01/18/10
419 Andrew Kirsop 03/01/10
420 Nathan Hogg 03/29/10
421 John Westerheide 04/12/10
422 Erik Tuccio 04/22/10
423 Calvin Lones 04/22/10
424 David Burkhalter 05/03/10
425 Cameron Keehn 01/10/10
426 Everett LeBlanc 07/18/10
427 Luke Smith 08/16/10
428 Quinton Milner 08/16/10
429 Richie Laurin⚜ 08/24/10
430 Ben Townsend 08/24/10
431 Jacob Echols 08/24/10
432 Kyle Forbes 09/20/10
433 Andrew Campbell 10/04/10
434 Alex Sessions 10/25/10
435 Ryan Mellinger 10/25/10
436 Jordan Chumbley 10/25/10
437 William Headrick 12/30/10
438 Conner Henry 02/03/11
439 Spencer Page 02/21/11
440 William Travis Moreland 02/28/11
440 Bodie Johnson 04/28/11
442 Alexander Roth 05/09/11
443 Sam Mills 06/09/11
444 Travis Hornstein 07/31/11
445 Alex Housewright 07/31/11
446 Rhett Bruck 08/15/11
447 Joe Powell 08/15/11
448 Joel Barrett 09/19/11
449 Nathan Ochoa⚜ 11/07/11
450 Cooper Rimkus 12/12/11
451 Evan Throckmorton 12/12/11
452 Nathan Bucki ⚜ 01/16/12
453 Colin Latimer 01/16/12
454 Clint Ator 02/04/12
455 Connor Barnette 02/04/12
456 Sam Hotz⚜ 03/26/12
457 Mitch Winkler 03/26/12
458 Alex Mattson 04/25/12
459 Jack Mikeska 06/07/12
460 Andrew Little 06/25/12
461 David Radoszewski 09/09/12
462 William Pumphrey 10/15/12
463 Ian Turek 10/22/12
464 Martin Taylor 11/26/12
465 Noah Wilson 12/03/12
466 Jeffrey Bradshaw 12/03/12
467 Cade Gober 01/13/13
468 Matthew Graham 03/13/13
469 Marshall Lysell 07/16/13
470 Kevin Burright⚜ 10/08/13
471 Brandt Urban 10/14/13
472 James (Jimmy) Lieb⚜ 10/14/13
473 Collin Lydick 11/04/13
474 Nick (Nicholas) Graves 11/11/13
475 Will Irby⚜ 11/18/13
476 Kirk Shannon 12/30/13
477 Zachary Newman 12/30/13
478 Johnathan Barr 12/30/13
479 Henry Roden 01/20/14
480 Connor Bosch 01/20/14
481 Michael Hood 02/03/14
482 Travis Miller⚜ 02/24/14
483 Aaron Peterson⚜ 03/31/14
484 Ryan Brockette⚜ 03/31/14
485 Andrew Knowlton 05/19/14
486 Alexander Little 07/16/14
487 Aidan Friedel 01/12/15
488 Stephen Berry⚜ 02/18/15
489 Michael Wartberg 03/16/15
490 John May 03/16/15
491 David Smith⚜ 03/30/15
492 Lane Toungate 05/04/15
493 Shane Hancock 05/18/15
494 Robert Arends 06/08/15
495 Nicholas Vega 06/25/15
496 Brandon von Sternberg 08/10/15
497 William Moffett 08/17/15
498 Nick Arends 09/07/15
499 Jerry Barrett 11/09/15
500 Ben Kenyon 11/23/15
501 Luke Monro 01/11/16
502 Travis West 02/22/16
503 Daniel Chambers 02/22/16
504 Kevin Lieb 03/14/16
505 Collin Pittman 05/09/16
506 Luke Wilson 11/18/16
507 Jacob Seddelmeyer⚜ 12/30/16
508 Jeremy Horstman 12/30/16
509 Tim Larson 08/29/16
510 Jackson Vogel 10/17/16
511 William Name 10/17/16
512 Jordan Schoenstedt 02/13/17
513 Max Piper 05/01/17
514 Harris Youngblood 05/08/17
515 Tommy O’Brien 05/08/17
516 Hunter Gordon 05/08/17
517 Ethan Nieporte 07/22/17
518 Jakob Benzi 07/22/17
519 Robert Harris 07/22/17
520 Jackson Allen⚜ 12/11/17
521 Jacob Murdock 02/26/18
522 Michael Payton 04/02/18
523 John Donnell 04/23/18
524 William Donnell 04/23/18
525 Jacob Peterson 05/15/18
526 Carson Brockette 07/29/18
527 Benjamin Waggoner 08/25/18
528 Cullen Bryant⚜ 09/17/18
529 Ryan Lucas 10/15/18
530 William Johnson 10/22/18
531 Trace Miller 10/29/18
532 Max Lipscomb 02/18/19
533 Xander Bowles⚜ 06/10/19
534 Mason Kimball⚜ 09/16/19
535 Brody Humphries⚜ 12/9/19
[107 Eagles in 2010s]
536 Garrett Woodbury 1/6/20
537 Grady Johnson 4/7/20
538 Matthew Payton 5/21/20
539 Travis Boone 5/21/20
540 Joe Krejci 5/26/20
541 James Johnson 5/26/20
542 Wesley Cannatti 9/13/20
543 Mac Dishman 10/12/20
544 Chase Elliott 2/1/21
545 Alex McClellan 2/1/21
546 Nicholas Landry⚜ 5/3/21
547 Jacob Hornung 5/10/21
548 Luke Guillermo 5/18/21
549 Luke Lipscomb 8/9/21
550 Cash Ubben 12/20/21
551 Ethan Simon 4/11/22
552 Maxwell Allen⚜ 5/19/22
553 Russell Nicodemus⚜ (2 term) 5/19/22
554 Ian Interrante 6/27/22
555 George Ferrell 7/25/22
556 Nikolai Miterko 7/25/22
557 Nick Klarer 10/12/22
558 Chris Klarer 10/12/22
559 Blake Negron 10/18/22
560 Will Chronister 12/11/22
561 Jackson Knefley⚜ 12/26/22
562 Hogan Nelson 1/23/23
563 James Boone 4/3/23
564 Andy Biancardi 4/3/23
565 Nadim Hraibi 5/8/23
566 Colin Fantini 8/23/23
567 Dawson Clemmons⚜ 8/21/23
568 Jackson Clemmons 8/21/23
569 Andrew Gillespie 9/11/23
570 Grady Hendrix⚜ 10/2/23
571 James Jenkins 10/9/23
572 Gavin Bowles 10/30/23
573 Miles Kimball 12/11/23
574 Oliver Gilbert 3/25/24
575 Brady Harrison 3/25/24
576 Gavin Strohl 5/6/24
577 Everett Smith⚜ 5/6/24
578 Rhodes Herndon 5/6/24
579 Blake Lucas 8/26/24
580 Jackson Enderli 9/2/24
⚜served as Senior Patrol Leader
⚜⚜father of an 890 Eagle