One cool Troop 890 tradition is that the “graduating” FYSM makes/carves a totem for the incoming FYSM and presents it on the final day of summer camp. Once the incoming FYSM makes it through a week at summer camp with his group, he is locked in, toughened, and ready to keep his boys moving towards First Class. Many totems for years were fairly standard and used a piece of wood with the Constantin “C” and crossed paddles carved into the wood. The totem was placed on a leather piece and hung from the name tag on the right pocket button. In recent years, some graduating FYSMs have gotten creative…
The FYSM Totem for Jeff Page circa summer 2006
The FYSM Totem for Andrew Bucki circa summer 2007
The FYSM Totem for David Ochoa circa summer 2008
The FYSM Totem for Ron Bradshaw circa summer 2009
The FYSM Totem for Jeff Little circa summer 2010
The FYSM Totem for Kyle Friedel circa summer 2011
The FYSM Totem for Chris Arends circa summer 2012
The FYSM Totem for Jamie Peterson circa summer 2013
The FYSM Totem for Stephen Hotz circa summer 2014
The FYSM Totem for Todd Allen circa summer 2015 (hourglass with paddles)
The FYSM Totem for Eric Horstman circa summer 2016 (summer camp wood block with Turk’s Head knot and cylinder block with Constantin “C”)
The FYSM Totem for David Boone circa summer 2017 (architecturally laser-cut)
The FYSM Totem for Jeff Nicodemus circa summer 2018 (fancy and colorful)
The FYSM Totem for Andy Biancardi circa summer 2019 (huge and breaking the rules with a flamingo)
The FYSM totem for Brian Ferrell for summers of 2020 (Virtual Summer Camp) and 2021 (real Summer Camp). [His predecessor had a full 2 years to make this totem and it is awesome!]
The FYSM totem for Gavin Worthy who served 2 (yes, 2) terms as FYSM and his summer camps were 2021 and 2022. The wood was taken from a massive service project we did in 2021 in Eagle Wing.
Gavin gets 2 pics as he served 2 terms…