Flag Football
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Pre-Thanksgiving feast
OLYMPICS CAMPOUT — November 16-18, 2018
Troop 890 has been camping at Mr. Noble’s farm near Desert, Texas (between Anna and Bonham on Hwy. 121) for over 30 years the weekend before Thanksgiving. This is our annual recruiting campout where we invite Cub Scout Webelos IIs to visit our Troop and see what we are about. We continue this tradition in 2018 and are starting a new tradition: inviting girls who are interested in starting Girls’ Troop 890. For information and details on Boy Troop 890, please contact incoming First Year Scoutmaster Andy Biancardi, andrew.biancardi@gmail.com, (214) 802-8185, who will be leading the group of boys who are joining our Troop and starting their Scouting journey early in 2019. For information and details for Girls’ Troop 890, please contact Lane Duncan at girls@troop890.org. There is no cost for visitors but we ask that you let us know who will be coming. You are welcome to stay the day AND night. The Quartermaster staff will serve a pre-Thanksgiving feast around 2 pm for all adults and visitors.
Families welcome and encouraged to attend; visitors welcome to stay overnight -- just bring a tent and let us know! Sign up can be found here: http://eepurl.com/dMdPQY
Lots of details can be found here.